What is Azure Arc?

What is Azure Arc?

Azure Arc helps you govern and manage your IT estate across multiple cloud providers and your on-prem infrastructure.

Currently, Azure Arc allows you to manage the following resource types hosted outside of Azure:

  • Servers: Manage Windows and Linux physical servers and virtual machines hosted outside of Azure.
  • Kubernetes clusters: Attach and configure Kubernetes clusters running anywhere, with multiple supported distributions.
  • Azure data services: Run Azure data services on-premises, at the edge, and in public clouds using Kubernetes and the infrastructure of your choice. SQL Managed Instance and PostgreSQL (preview) services are currently available.
  • SQL Server: Extend Azure services to SQL Server instances hosted outside of Azure.
  • Virtual machines (preview): Provision, resize, delete and manage virtual machines based on VMware vSphere or Azure Stack HCI and enable VM self-service through role-based access.

Azure Arc management control plane diagram

See here for more info: Azure Arc | Microsoft Learn

Next we shall be deploying Arc and managing some AWS resources.